Multi-GPU Pytorch training

Last updated: 9 February 2023

Table of Contents

  1. [Optional] Backstory
  2. Prereqs
  3. Goals for this doc
  4. High level approach
  5. Steps

[Optional] Backstory

The last time I trained NN’s was in 2017 where I was training RNNs for text. We simply used a massive machine with a single GPU for training and it worked just fine for our case. The hope of this blog is to break the shackles and do multi gpu training.


I am going to be taking off from where Andrek Karpathy’s GPT lecture left off, that is training a character level GPT decoder model on a single GPU training over the Shakespeare dataset to write Shakespeare like text.

See video here.

Goals for this doc

The goal here is to mod his code to do multi-gpu training (data-parallel training). His repo NanoGPT makes this possible already but I found the code in the training script hard to follow. I love his idea of brevity in code, but personally I found the code too terse to parse easily.

High level approach

Main idea iss to use Pytorch Distributed Data Parallel API (DDP). With this system we will make copies of the model one per GPU, in parallel train across GPUs and synchronise the weights.

  1. Refactor code in the lecture into functions. You can see an initial version of the refactored code here. No logic changes but just moving the script into functions.
  2. Move the get_batch function into a pytorch Dataset and then a pytorch Dataloader. This will help us do dataloading in parallel and also to use the DistributedSampler. The DistributedSampler class will guarantee each multiprocess working with a specific gpu gets a different batch of training data.
  3. Define rank and global_rank for this process ie., for this gpu.
  4. Wrap the model DDP and run.


1: Refactors

  • We move all the constants or hyperparameters of the model into a hyperparam dataclass
class TrainConfig:
    batch_sz: int
    save_every: int
    learning_rate: float
    eval_freq: int
    max_iters: int
    eval_sz: int = 2000
    train_frac: float = 0.9
    checkpoint_folder: str = f"logging/checkpoints/{RUN_ID}/"

class TransformerConfig:
    block_sz: int
    # if you update this also update mlp_hidden_dim
    embed_dim: int
    # embed_dim * 4
    mlp_hidden_dim: int
    num_attn_heads: int
    dropout_frac: float
    # number of decoder transformer blocks stacked one on top of another
    num_blocks: int

class HyperParams:
    transformer_cfg: TransformerConfig
    train_cfg: TrainConfig

        mlp_hidden_dim=384 * 4,
  • We checkpoint the model time to time. We only checkpoint if we are better than the previous validation score.
# We want to always checkpoint in the last iteration
if ((i == num_iters - 1) or (i % save_every == 0)) and (
    eval_losses["val"] < prev_val_loss
        it=i + START_IT,

def _checkpoint(model, checkpoint_folder, it, use_multigpu, device):
    if device not in {"cpu", 0}:
        # Don't save unless you're CPU or the first GPU.
        # All GPUs possess an identical copy and we don't want each process to
        # save a checkpoint.
    fl = os.path.join(checkpoint_folder, f"{it}.pt")
    msg = f"Iteration {it}: Checkpointing model at {fl}"
    state_dict = model.module.state_dict() if use_multigpu else model.state_dict(), f=fl)
  • Move the script logic into functions. Essentially we create a wrapper function as below
def wrapper(...):
    train_data, val_data, vocab_sz, ixtoc = load_input_file(input_fl)
    train_dl, val_dl = get_data_split(train_data, val_data, configs)  # into dataloaders
    model = build_model(vocab_sz, load_model_ckpt_path, configs)
    print(f"Examples BEFORE training the model")
        get_batch_fn=ft.partial(get_batch, train_data=train_data, val_data=val_data),
        optimizer=torch.optim.AdamW(params=model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate),
            eval_loss, train_dl=train_dl, val_dl=val_dl, eval_sz=eval_sz
    print(f"Examples AFTER training the model")

2: Moving get_batch to Dataloader

We need to move this simple batch code in the video.

def get_batch_helper(split, batch_sz, train_data, val_data, block_sz, device):
    # generate a small batch of data of inputs x and targets y
    data = train_data if split == "train" else val_data
    ix = torch.randint(len(data) - block_sz, (batch_sz,))
    x = torch.stack([data[i : i + block_sz] for i in ix])
    y = torch.stack([data[i + 1 : i + block_sz + 1] for i in ix])
    x, y =,
    return x, y
class DecoderDataset(data_utils.Dataset):

    block_sz: int
    device: str
    data: torch.Tensor

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.len = len( - self.block_sz - 1

    def __len__(self):
        return self.len

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        i = index
        x =[i : i + self.block_sz]
        y =[i + 1 : i + self.block_sz + 1]

def get_dataloaders(
    train_data: torch.Tensor,
    val_data: torch.Tensor,
    block_sz: int,
    batch_sz: int,
    device: str,
    train_dl = data_utils.DataLoader(
        dataset=DecoderDataset(data=train_data, block_sz=block_sz, device=device),
        batch_size=batch_sz, shuffle=False, sampler=None,
    val_dl = data_utils.DataLoader(
        dataset=DecoderDataset(data=val_data, block_sz=block_sz, device=device),
        batch_size=batch_sz, shuffle=False, sampler=None,
    return train_dl, val_dl

Our evaluation function now needs to use the dataloaders instead of the get_batch function.

def eval_loss(model, get_batch_fn, eval_sz):
    out = {}
    for split in ["train", "val"]:
        Xbatch, Ybatch = get_batch_fn(split=split, batch_sz=eval_sz)
        # fwd, loss = model(X, target)
        out[split] = eval_model_loss(model=model, X=Xbatch, Ytrue=Ybatch).item()
    return out
def eval_loss(model, train_dl, val_dl, eval_sz):
    out = {}
    # Dataloader issues out x, y of length batch_sz but we want eval_sz. Find the
    #   number of batch_sz we need and vstack them.
    # next(iter(train_dl)) -> x, y
    batch_sz = next(iter(train_dl))[0].shape[0]
    # slightly more than eval sz but 🤷
    stacks = (eval_sz // batch_sz) + 1
    for split, dl in [("train", train_dl), ("val", val_dl)]:
        Xbatches, Ybatches = [], []
        for _ in range(stacks):
            Xb, Yb = next(iter(dl))
        Xeval, Yeval = torch.vstack(Xbatches), torch.vstack(Ybatches)
        out[split] = eval_model_loss(model=model, X=Xeval, Ytrue=Yeval).item()
    return out

Gotcha: To get the next batch from dataloader, we need to first wrap it in iter and do next(iter(dataloader)).

2: Wrap with DistributedDataParallel

  1. We will first define a global parameter called use USE_MULTIGPU which will be passed into our main function.
  2. We will setup DistributedDataParallel environment variables which will be the master node’s address and port. Since we are using only one machine this will be localhost and any random port.
  3. We now create a process group one per GPU with init_process_group setting the backend to nvidia’s nccl backend.
  4. We will then wrap our model with DDP in the build_model function.
  5. We will also have to update save_ckpt function because now model.state_dict will need to become model.module.state_dict. Also we only checkpoint the model from one GPU as they all possess an identical copy and we don’t want each process to save a checkpoint.
  6. We need to update our main function to take in rank and world_size where world_size is the number of GPUs (world_size = torch.cuda.device_count()).
  7. We will now need to use torch.multiprocessing.spawn to spawn our main function with world_size and other necessary args passed in through args param of the spawn method. We will not pass in rank as this will populated by the spawn method. We will also need to pass in nprocs to spawn which will be the number of gpus ie., world_size.

Gotcha: While creating a Dataloader, make sure to set pin_memory=False if we are moving the data to GPU within the Dataset class.

3: Run and hopefully everything will just work

Here’s the final version of the code that worked with multi-gpu dataparallel training.