Recommender systems for ML interviews (WIP)

Last updated: 12 February 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Dimension 1: Architecture
  2. Dimension 2: Type of model
  3. Links
  4. Notes from papers

Dimension 1: Architecture

  1. Collaborative filtering and matrix/tensor factorisation
  2. Model as probability of interaction (click)
    For probability of interaction we can build this as any binary classification problem where for every user and a preselected set of items, we predict the probability of click. The preselection comes from L1-1 ranking (recall phase).
  3. Model as pairwise ranking (compare alternatives and make the model select one)

Dimension 2: Type of model

Modelling as probability of click (or pairwise ranking) can be done through any classification model such as logistic regression, xgboost or neural nets. Neural net approaches

  • Wide and deep: Wide has sparse cross features which are memorised (overfit) and then the deep is a sequence of MLP layers or other carefully crafted layers that let the model generalise better. The wide part is for exceptions and deep part is for generalisations.
  • Two tower model: One tower for user embeddings and meta features and another tower for the item. The final dimensions of the two towers match, we simply dot and take the sigmoid to compute the probability.
  • Sequence model: User actions are first classified into different buckets. Each of these gets an action embedding. Users have a general user embedding. We then concat these and learn a sequence model such as an LSTM or transformers where we predict the action in the next time step. This apparently was a game-changer for Netflix.
  1. Wide and deep blog: blog
  2. Youtube paper on deep recommendations: paper
  3. Netflix recommendation case study: paper

Notes from papers

Deep Learning for Recommender Systems: A Netflix Case Study