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Problem Statement

The objective of the project is to use data from the IMU of a phone (3 axis gyroscope and 3 axis accelerometer) and predict the gestures performed. We have the 6 following gestures wave, figure 8, circle, pendulum, hammer and fish. We have to implement Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to predict the probability of each sequence of observation to belong to a particular gesture.

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Description of approach

By visually inspecting the variation in the sensor values, I trimmed of the regions where the sensors are moving randomly before starting of the gestures. I vector quantized the 6 dimensional space of accelerometer and gyroscope values into 20 clusters using data from all the gestures. Assuming a total of 15 hidden states, I performed training using EM or Baum-Welch algorithm to my Hidden Markov Model. I used the recursive forward backward algorithm to compute the intermediate values. In order to account for the numerical instabilities I used the scaling technique mentioned in the Lawrence R. Rabiner's paper on "A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition". For the testing, I computed the log probability of the sequence using the Forward Algorithm.